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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19919
This Months Entries: 10
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squiz (6 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 13 )

Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: hamptonw

Member#: 7315
Registered: 22-01-2008
Diary Entries: 61

6th July 2008
Windsurfing: Hayling
Wind Direction: SW'ly
Wind Stength: F7
Surf / Sea State: Small waves
Air Temperature: 15
Sea Temperature: 15
Weather: Very windy and stormy
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

....I then checked in to my campsite, and got a curry before crashing relatively early. During the night the wind picked up and the van was shaking violently and being lashed by torrential rain. I was dying to get out in the morning, but found that the gates of the campsite were locked until 7.30am, so plans for a dawnie were dashed. But I headed down to hayling beach front for just after 7.30, and it looked fearsome. Definitely 4.0 weather, and my smallest sail is a 4.7. I ummed and ahhed until Nick turned up, then decided to go for it. I'm glad I did, as I had a right laugh. I managed to hold down the Rocket 61 and wrestle the sail to get some fast planing out-of-control runs, and quite a lot of sketchy little jumps. Then I had a high speed pile up and stupidly put my arm out to break my fall on to the sail. I'm amazed my arm didn't go though it, such was the ferocity of the crash. But I did injure my arm - initially I thought I'd dislocated my shoulder, but it seems I just twisted or jarred something badly. This morning I could barely move my arm or wrist, and I also have nastily bruised ribs (although that was from another high speed catapult incident). Despite the violence, I really enjoyed that session, although it was quite brief - the tide was pushing onto the groynes by 10, and I packed up. I then went for a big greasy breakfast with Grable, and headed on over to Poo bay a bit later. I had planned to get another session here, but after sitting in Nick's van with Grable, Befs, and Graeme B for a while watching the lashing rain and feeling beaten up, I didn't feel inclined to get back in to a wet wetsuit, so I gave it a miss. I think it was probably a wise choice, but it did look like there were a lot of people having a great day there... well, there's always next weekend!
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